Sold Out Event At The David Dunlop Observatory

DDO. WOW. We sold out and filled every seat available for Makers at the David Dunlap Observatory: Old Tech Meets New Tech. Arriving visitors who had never seen the site were slack-jawed at the beautiful telescope and administration building. The David Dunlap Observatory, sitting right smack in the middle or Richmond Hill, is Canada’s largest...

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Car Hacks Event at MPL – and Ylab Showing Signs of Social Media Life!

Y Lab’s Car Hacks night was a big success, with about 25 people coming out for our talk on how it’s still possible to work on your car yourself, on some of the auto security hacks we’ve been reading about in the news, and finally, by demonstrating several different devices you can use to read and reset a car’s engine readings...

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Lots of YLab Friends at Toronto’s Maker Festival

The Toronto Reference Library near Yonge and Bloor opened its doors to host Maker Festival 2015 this past Saturday and Sunday.   Makers invaded the three floors for the GTA’s  biggest maker show yet. Hordes of  kids and adults came out to create and share in the fun! Maker Jay booked himself...

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YLAB Kick-off a success!

We had a great turn-out for ylab’s kick-off event. We’re guessing that between 75 and 100 people came out. The volunteers put a lot of work into it, and we want to thank everyone who attended for making it such a success. We have many new volunteers, and, of course, we’re always looking for more – email us at info(at)ylab(dot)ca. We...

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Located inside the Richmond Hill David Dunlap Observatory
123 Hillsview Dr, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 1T3
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