No matter how many youtube videos I watched… no matter what type of connector… no matter how many times I did it… I always mess up something when I install a connector. My rule when buying connectors: for every one I need, buy another because I’m going to mess one up.
The screw-ups include mutilating pins when crimping or soldering… forgetting to put on the crimp sleeve… shredding the braid so there isn’t enough to be useful… dropping the pin, never to be seen again… oh, right, this cable needed a female connector… forget to put the heat-shrink over the cable the list goes on.
Then something happened.
Yesterday, four connectors in a row went on without problem. I thought I lost a pin. I swore I heard it bounce on the floor. My son found it later on the carpet somewhere else in the house.
So what made the difference? Why the sudden success?
Then I looked down and noticed the shirt I was wearing. New shirt I just picked up. Style I don’t normally wear.