Canadian HAM Training FAQ

Why did you build another quiz and training site?

There are many great ham radio classes out there with great content and instructors, and many quiz sites based on Industry Canada’s question bank and practice tests. There’s a big study guide that is more of a reference, with far more material than required (which, by the way, we recommend you buy as a reference). The reality is that the majority of people who pass the test are focusing on the question bank. So we decided to do a hard focus on the material in the questions and build a training program around that.

What’s different about how we use the question bank?

We divided the question bank into twenty sections – some longer, some shorter, and some overlap, just as in the question bank.
For each section, we provide a slide deck, and for those who prefer to learn this way, a video presentation of each slide deck. We provide a lot of tricks and mnemonics to help you remember.
For each question, we provide a hint, and sometimes a bit of an explanation as well. The hints and explanations and accompanying slides are in no way comprehensive. They’re intended to help get you remember and get through the test.
Sometimes, these hints look really, really silly. But we’ve found that they really help you to remember the answer.

Who’s allowed to use this?

Anyone. Both to learn, and to learn to train others.
The class is open source/creative commons. We even have that attribution on the videos. Please improve it!
If you come up with something better, let us know. We’ll be happy to drop this one and point to yours.

Can I use the slides in a class that I’m preparing?

Yes. We’d appreciate you letting us know if you do.

Why do you have PDF and Powerpoint slides?

PDF is read directly by many browsers.
If you want to improve (and hopefully send back to us) or modify slides for your own use or class, then Powerpoint makes them easy to edit.

What questions did you use?

We use the same Industry Canada question bank as other web sites.. Industry Canada even provides practice tests (links at bottom of the quiz page).

Why don’t you have a 100 question practice test covering all sections like the real Industry Canada test?

Because Industry Canada already has that. Scroll to the bottom of the quiz listing page and you will see the links.

Why did we select Quiz Global web site to run the quizzes?

  1. Quiz Global is free! It’s worth paying for… and we could start charging. But we won’t. Hopefully they won’t either.
  2. Quiz Global allows us to make the tests public, which means no registration is required. That’s important for youth privacy.
  3. You can register to track your results – but the registration does not require any private information or fee. Only an email. Use a nickname as your ID.
  4. It’s very flexible for test taking. You can show hints. You can control if you want to take it as a straight test, or get your results after each question. You can review what you got wrong at the end of the test.
  5. It has excellent mobile and handheld interfaces. You can practice the test on the bus, while eating your cereal, before going to sleep…

The authors of the test and operators of this site have no business or other relationship with Quiz Global other than using it to host these tests.

Why don’t you put this in an app so I can practice the quizzes without being on-line?

Because we suck at app development, and no one has volunteered to build it for us.
If you’re willing to step up, we’ll be happy to send you a nicely formatted source file will all the questions, answers, hints and explanations.


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