Yeah, we know, we’re a little late on this for some people… Chanukah is done for this year… but we all know Santa is for everyone. We also know the type of people we’re dealing with don’t need a holiday as an excuse to pick up some new toys and technology. And some are on on the naughty list and will have to buy for themselves.
Top of the list, of course, are memberships in the Ylab Maker Space or Royal Astronomical Society of Canada – Toronto Centre! The two organisations are separate… but there’s lots to do with both groups at the David Dunlap Observatory. We’ve peeked at Santa’s delivery list, so we know that several ylab regulars have both memberships.
If you enjoyed the Ham Radio night, our friend John from the York Region Amateur Radio Club gave us this list of items to get into amateur radio for under $100. All of the links are to suppliers that YRARC members have used in the past and recommend. These are the fun items they talked about and demonstrated in the presentation.
The first one is the USB-based software-defined radio receiver. No license required, since it’s not a transmitter. The page is a little tricky, since it doesn’t link directly to the item. Get the full $24.95 set with the two antennas.
The rest of the items can transmit, so they require a ham radio license to use. We’ll be announcing a plan to help with that in early 2016. So you will of course need this Ham radio Basic Qualification Study Guide, which includes unlimited on-line practice tests. Again, the link doesn’t go directly to the item. It’s the first one on the page.
This two-way handheld HAM radio is a great deal.
And finally, if you want to add radio to a project, this low-power transceiver project board runs on a 9V battery.
Finally, like any kids who’s passed the age of 12, ask for money.
Ylab elves are busy in their workshop designing and building a next-generation light sabre control circuit. Details are still secret, because tests are still ongoing, and we have to get final quotes for production. This is going to be a level or two up in features from Jay’s light sabres that you’ve seen at the ylab events. Start saving those pennies.
Stay tuned for announcements in 2016 where we’ll be doing great things with all of this stuff.