Winter Blacksmithing

November 21, 2022

Hammered. The metal. Not us.

On Saturday November 19th, a few ylab members and friends met up at FireSword Forge in Guelph for an intro to blacksmithing with expert blacksmith David Brandow and our own Metal Master Miro.

Braving the cold and snow was easy – we brought a lot of equipment, with four forges to warm the hands and the steel. Blacksmith Dave provided his outdoor forge, Miro brought two more, and ylab friend Stephen brought a another. Add 7 anvils – enough for everyone to have their own and to put fear in the hearts of the local coyote population – and a pile of tools from Dave and Miro, and we were set for a great day.

A Scout leader can only go so long without a good fire.
Schools open? Schools closed? Tired of the indecision? Get your frustrations out by hammering on something.
Anvils and stands we made at Ylab took the hammering!
File this one under fun day at the forge.
Forges much hotter than normal campfires. Never seen a marshmallow burn that fast off the stick
Applied Materials Science. Gotta hammer in those lessons.
Cranking away. But not cranky.
Cold day. Warm smiles. Would we do this again? Yes we would.

Big thanks to Blacksmith Dave and Metal Master Miro for organising everything, to Miro and Stephen for bringing in so much equipment, to Danielle and Karen for the food shopping and prep, and to all the ylab members who spent the long hours making the anvils.

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Located inside the Richmond Hill David Dunlap Observatory
123 Hillsview Dr, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 1T3
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