‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the DDOme,
Not a creature was stirring in the maker’s new home;
The basement room floor has been painted with care,
In hopes that equipment soon would be there;
The paperwork done, agreements written and read,
As plans for new robots danced in their heads;
Maker nights on break, ’til the old year is done,
But working new projects, new ideas, new fun.
Just in case you were not able to make it through that horrible verse…
We’re taking a break from maker nights for the rest of the year, and we’ll be off and running in 2016 starting on Monday January 4 with member-only nights (Mondays, and another weeknight TBD), and weekly open house for visitors on Wednesdays.
Until then, there’s lots happening behind the scenes. Now that so much of the administrative stuff for getting the space started is done, we’re putting some effort back into planning new events and projects.
Some of the things in the works:
Lots more possibilities, so please give us your feedback… and preferably by joining the discussion on our meetup.com group.
On that note… and to all a good night.