Ylab Runs Amok at Richmond Green Library

March 12, 2017

Richmond Green Library held their maker event on Saturday afternoon, March 11, and might not have been prepared for the ylab mayhem. Other exhibitors might have been content with a display table. We kind of… expanded. Out of control.

Hovercraft rides. They’re not just for kids.

People coming in through the entrance rotunda for a quiet read were surprised by hovercraft scooting by.

Ylab members Ross and Art demonstrate sumo bots and simple book making.

What’s normally a children’s reading area was taken over by  sumo bots and some nifty book-making. The paper and cover kind, not the covering bets kind.

Light sabre engineering! Software upgrades! Right there! In the library!!!

We weren’t just showing stuff. Light sabre repairs, modifications and software upgrades were happening right there. We left with more working light sabres than we came in with.

And the children’s program room? Our Jacob’s ladder and some interesting audio demos made light and sound waves visible and understandable, with bonus  ear-piercing sounds.

Safety first when librarians crank up the voltage. The Great Canadian Alligator Clip makes an appearance.

Big thanks to the ylab volunteers who brought all their creations, and to all the Richmond Green Library staff who were so helpful in so many ways putting on a great maker event. And not throwing us out.

Comments? Here on facebook.

Can you identify the librarians in the pictures?

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